Where Did All My CPU Go?

Wednesday, 17 June, 2009 - 13:15 - 14:15
Phil Grainger

To learn how CA Detector helps you not only find your high cpu consumers but also helps you find those that you will get the most benefit from tuning. We will look at the work flow process used to track down the best tuning candidates.
We will also look at some ways you can use the Detector information to track your tuning successes over time and to help your company get the best use out of your valuable cpu resources.

What is CA Detector?
And what it isn’t
Why is proactive better?
Examples of Detector screens – finding those cpu hogs
Advanced categorisation of activity
Externalising the data

Full Abstract:
One of the best tuning measures is to look at high cpu consumers and tune them so that they consume less. The snag is, how DO you find them? In fact, is it good enough to just find the highest cpu consuming statement or program – surely you also need to consider how often the application or statement is being used. Tuning a statement that is only executed once per hour, might give you a good feeling, but you would have been better looking for highly active things to tune.
This presentation looks at how CA Detector helps you not only find your high cpu consumers but also helps you find those that you will get the most benefit from tuning



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