The db2pd command is a powerful tool for monitoring and administering DB2 Linux, UNIX and Windows databases and instances. You can use this tool to keep track of transactions, table spaces, table statistics, dynamic SQL, configuration settings and much, much more.<br />Melanie will compare using SQL statements versus db2pd commands for troubleshooting, problem determination, performance tuning, environment analysis and more.
Materialized Query Tables (MQTs) are widely used to significantly speed up the response time of decision support queries. A MQT is a table whose definition is based on the result of a query and whose data is in the form of precomputed results. Learn how to deploy MQTs. Through examples, learn steps necessary to create, maintain and use MQTs. MQT maintenance and trade-offs associated with various approaches will be analyzed. Learn about MQT matching, which is the process DB2 uses to transparently answer queries against base tables using precomputed query results stored in MQTs. Advanced uses and the benefits of MQTs with advanced query optimization techniques will be discussed.
DB2 and dashDB offer several features for applications to push down predefined or user-defined analytics functions into the database engine. Such push down provides better performance and data governance characteristics than traditional approaches. This session explains how to use in-database analytics features such as clustering and regression algorithms, user-defined aggregate functions, in-database scoring with SAS and SPSS, as well as data analysis and visualization with R.
Latest news on IBM's overall Hybrid data platform strategy and the Watson Data Platform approach. This will include high level updates on the dashDB family, BigInsights with BigSQL, Spark, DB2 and the next generation appliance.
How do you manage DB2 logging in a bigger environment? Collect the logfiles of all instances in a central location and do a offline analysis with big data methods.
Dig into the nuts and bolts of Memory Management. Melanie will describe the details of management of instance-level memory, database-level shared memory and application memory for DB2 databases. Automated Memory Management using Self Tuning Memory Manager will also be addressed. The configuration and use of each memory heap will be described. The monitoring of memory usage using SQL statements, db2mtrk and db2pd command reports will be presented.
Are you responsible for upgrading your database to DB2 LUW 11? Take advantage of the new DB2 great functionality. Unlock the secrets. If you need a detailed step-by-step approach to implement the newest version of DB2 LUW 11, come learn about often overlooked but very important best practices to understand before and after upgrading. Satisfy your ever increasing demands to analyze business data quickly and get insights into your data.
European SQLAdria Seminar – Vodice 2025
SQL Adria is the independent, non-profit organization that gathers relational database users for Croatia and Slovenia. It was founded 1994. and in the same year it has become the regional user group.
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VODICE - 2nd - 5th June 2025