Automate Db2 Schema Deployment using Ansible Playbooks

Thursday, 13 June, 2024 - 09:00 - 16:00
z/OS Track
Denis Tronin
Emil Kotrč
Toine Michielse
'Are you exploring how to exploit Ansible on your DevOps journey? Or, you may be well on your way towards standardizing on Ansible.  Either way, our workshop will introduce you to a Broadcom developed Ansible collection that will empower you to automate your Db2 for z/OS Schema Management the Ansible way.
This Ansible collection will be a powerful tool to enable a developer to provision the Db2 environment needed to test an application. It also has the necessary capabilities to automate deployment of any schema changes. In this workshop you will have the opportunity for an instructor-led hands on experience with the Broadcom DBM-Db2 Ansible collection. You will learn ways to use the collection in ad hoc mode as well as understand how to develop Ansible playbooks to achieve your goal.
The objectives of the workshop are:
- Understand how Db2 Schema and data provisioning can be modernized and how it support DevOps
- Get familiar with Ansible ad hoc commands
- Understand Ansible playbooks and the environment in which they execute
- Develop a simple playbook to deploy a Db2 for z/OS Schema change
As this is a hands-on workshop, please bring your laptops with you.


SQL Adria is the independent, non-profit organization that gathers relational database users for Croatia and Slovenia. It was founded 1994. and in the same year it has become the regional user group.

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Events in 2024

VODICE -  10th - 13th June 2024