
Friday, 7 april, 2017 - 16:15

Real Time Analytics Query Performance with DB2 for z/OS

Friday, 7 april, 2017 - 14:45 - 16:15
Terence Purcell

What are the types of analytics workloads? And where should they reside? Analysing your DB2 for z/OS operational data in real-time had obvious appeal to your business, but what are the query optimization and design implications? Hear from DB2 development about what they have learned working with customers to ensure successful query performance with real time analytics on DB2 for z/OS.

  • What are the types of analytics workloads?
  • Why DB2 for z/OS for real-time analytics?
  • Query patterns and performance implications
  • DB2 configuration considerations for optimal query performance


Friday, 7 april, 2017 - 14:30 - 14:45

Runstats Challenges for Optimal Query Performance

Friday, 7 april, 2017 - 13:00 - 14:30
Terence Purcell

In DB2 development, we see many customers that are NOT following RUNSTATS collection "Best Practices". But what are those best practices? The largest contributor to poor query performance is insufficient or misleading RUNSTATS. Improving the availability of pertinent and accurate statistics is a huge opportunity for customers to improve DB2 performance and reduce instability of access paths.

  • What are the most common RUNSTATS collection mistakes and how to avoid them?
  • How do I identify the right default statistics?
  • How do I handle statistics on tables that fluctuate dramatically in data volume?


In this session, we'll answer these questions and more as we discuss various runstats challenges and misconceptions.


Friday, 7 april, 2017 - 12:00 - 13:00

Getting the best performance in DB2 11 for z/OS

Friday, 7 april, 2017 - 10:30 - 12:00
Terence Purcell

As more customers exploit DB2 11 for z/OS, we can share the lessons learned and focus on the most beneficial of the DB2 11 features and how best to exploit them for improved query performance.
This presentation includes:

  • High-level overview of enhancements
  • Enhancements requiring minimal intervention
  • Migration considerations
  • Configuration to exploit performance enhancements
  • what to look out for?


Friday, 7 april, 2017 - 10:00 - 10:30
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