DB2 LUW advanced topics

Thursday, 14 junij, 2012 - 09:00 - 16:00
LUW Track
Klaas Brant

Viper (9.1 and 9.5) and Cobra (9.7) were the codenames IBM used for the Version 9 releases of DB2 LUW. These releases are packed with many great new features which speed up your applications, save time / money or simplify things. But as always new features come with new questions. How to use? What are the new guidelines? Are there any new pitfalls? What is wise? Klaas Brant used all of these releases since their beta program and has compiled a brand new training for you. He will explain the new features of Version 9 (all releases). The training contains new guidelines for using these new features. If you are serious about DB2 LUW then this training is a must.

Automatic Storage
Table Partitioning
Database rebuild / restore
Enhanced Monitoring
Self-Tuning Memory Manager (STMM)
Work Load Manager (WLM)
Oracle compatibility
Large Table support
Runstats & Statistics
Deep Compression
Security Enhancements
Performance improvements
Problem determination
HADR enhancements
Install / Migrate / Fixpacks


DB2 z/OS High Performance Design and Tuning: Classic Techniques and DB2 10 Considerations

Thursday, 14 junij, 2012 - 09:00 - 16:00
Common Track
Susan Lawson

Achieving maximum performance from DB2 requires a different approach and stricter methodologies than simply getting a DB2 application to perform well. In today’s high volume/high performance environments the rules have changed and we must find every tuning knob in order to get another transaction through the system. This seminar focuses on specific issues of system design, physical object design, application design and tuning methods used to achieve high performance. Topics such as table and index design, large tables and NPSI’s, DPSIs, pushing logic into SQL, control and concurrency, enterprise wide performance topics are examined for OLTP, batch, and data warehousing. Topics such as buffer pool design and utilization, concurrency and locking, DB2 compression, EDM pool sizing, RID pool sizing, Sort work and work file tuning, and parallelism are examined, and it is shown how poor memory tuning directly effects application performance. Focus is on the complete set of design points of DB2, and how they will affect performance of your applications. Discover why many old guidelines no longer apply, how old standards can actually hurt us and learn the approaches to systems management and tuning for the DB2 environment. This course gives new ideas on achieving the new demands placed on us in today’s high volume/high availability environments. The rules have changed and certainly in DB2 10 there are many more features to take advantage of and to be careful with!
The case study examples and stories told are from actual performance audits and design/development efforts.
All topics and examples are current with DB2 z/OS 10.

System Overview
– Some Internals for Discussion, Discussion of All Performance Opportunities
Physical Database Design Issues
– Table Design, Non-attribute Columns, Code Tables and Reference Tables, Materialized Query Tables, Denormalization, Column Placement, Reordered Record Format, Large Tables and their indexes, Partitioning for size and performance, Universal Table spaces, Clone Tables, Index Design, Clustering versus non-clustering indexes, Append processing, Partitioning index design, Referential integrity and index design, NPSIs and Pieces, DPSIs,Hash access, Temporal Tables, Compression (tablespace and index), Designing for 24×7, Large table case study
 - Locking issues, Coding for minimal locking overhead, Impacts of row level locking, Lock avoidance, Lock monitoring – proactive vs reactive, Use of optimistic locking
- Buffer manager overview, Impacts on application performance, Buffer pool parameters, Bufferpool use, thresholds, and performance, Sequential prefetch impact, List prefetch impact, Checkpoint impacts, Virtual pool design strategies
RID Pool
- List prefetch impact, Application impacts, Statistics detail/failure types, Work file usage for RID overflows
Sort Pool
– Correct sizing/workfiles, Work file users, Potential performance problems, Application performance detail
EDM Pool
Impacts of new features, Monitoring efficiency, EDM pool and I/O activity, Dynamic SQL caching
Application Design Issues
– Load Reduction by Application Transaction Re-design, Uncommitted Read, Skipping Locked Data, Currently Committed Data, RELEASE(DEALLOCATE), DEGREE(ANY), Plan Stability
– Query CPU Parallelism, How the Degree is determined, Buffer Pool Impacts on Parallelism, Basic Trace Records for Parallelism, IFCID 221 &222
SQL Performance Issues
– Code for Reduced CPU, Pushing Logic into the SQL, Binding and Reoptimization Issues, Filtering Data, Dynamic SQL Cache Usage, Explain Tables and best usage
– SQL Transaction Cost, Sequential Numbering Issues
– Reducing CPU and I/O, Checkpoint/Restart, Commits and Savepoints, Heuristic control tables, Browsing Performance
Scrollable Cursors, Mass updates, deletes and inserts
Final Guidelines

DB2 for Z/os, for LUW DBAs

Wednesday, 13 junij, 2012 - 12:30 - 13:45
LUW Track
Common Track
Kurt Struyf

This presentation will explain to DBAs for DB2 on LUW, the similarities and differences between 2 of the best databases in the world: DB2 for LUW and DB2 for Z/os.
Will this presentation make you an expert on Z/os? NO! Will it allow you to talk and deal with your Z/os colleague more easily? Probably! Find out about the different meanings of SMS, of database…? How do I navigate my way through DB2 for Z/os? What do pure scale and data sharing have in common?
Attend this session and find out.

Time travelling with DB2 10 LUW – new in DB2 10

Wednesday, 13 junij, 2012 - 11:15 - 12:30
LUW Track
Marcin Marczewski

Temporar tables
System-period temporar table (STT)
Application-period temporar tables (ATT)
Bitemporar tables
Time travel queries

Temporal Data: How, When and Why

Wednesday, 13 junij, 2012 - 11:15 - 12:30
Common Track
Susan Lawson

This presentation takes an in-depth look at why we need temporal data, and how we have designed our tables for this type of support over the years. We will examine the performance and administrative challenges of dealing with temporal data. We then look toward DB2 10 for z/OS support of various forms of temporal data and compare them to other techniques.

DB2 Oracle compatibility

Wednesday, 13 junij, 2012 - 10:00 - 11:00
LUW Track
Marcin Marczewski

Migration challenges
DB2 Oracle Compatibility Features
Migration tools
IMTE support

Practical guide for DB2 snapshots using SQL

Wednesday, 13 junij, 2012 - 10:00 - 11:00
Common Track
Klaas Brant

Once there were just snapshot command and a difficult API interface. But then IBM decided to wrap snapshots (and more!) into table functions. To make life easier these table function have been rolled into views. Nowadays you can retrieve every piece of information regarding performance, utilities, messages, space, environment etc. etc. from the many administrative views by IBM. Klaas will show how to obtain the best information from them and how to you can, with some simple procedures, create a history of performance and data growth.

Bye Bye Control Center – Data Studio is here!

Wednesday, 13 junij, 2012 - 09:00 - 10:00
LUW Track
Marcin Marczewski

Replacements for discontinued tools
IBM Data Studio
Past and Future
UI layout and basic navigation
Administration using Data Studio
Data Studio Web Console
Optim Performance Manager

Buffer Pools Through the Ages

Wednesday, 13 junij, 2012 - 09:00 - 10:00
Common Track
Andy Ward

This session will initially take a brief look at how buffer pools have evolved over time. It will then concentrate on some of the more recently added functionality in this area in versions 8, 9 and 10 of DB2 and investigate what impact some of these changes will have on your subsystems.

Workload management

Tuesday, 12 junij, 2012 - 16:00 - 17:00
LUW Track
Marcin Marczewski

Workload Management (WLM) components(storage design)
Work and work class sets
Service classes
Work action and work action sets
WLM Dispatcher – new in DB2 10!(storage design)
WLM monitoring scenarios and monitoring capabilities(storage design)
Data centric way of workload management – new in DB2 10!


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