DB2 V8 Impacts on Applications

Monday, 27 June, 2005 - 15:30 - 16:30
Susan Lawson

This presentation will cover aspects of Version 8 of DB2 on the z/OS platform and how they will impact our applications, SQL and performance. There are several new constructs in DB2 in the next release such as materialized query tables, multi-row fetch/insert, dynamic scrollable cursors, imbedded inserts, better matching predicates, sequence objects and more. There have also been many improvements DB2s usage of indexes and this will have an impact on how we code our SQL. WLM is playing more of a part in our environments and we need to begin the migration toward it if we have not. We need to review these features and see how they impact current applications and help us prepare for the future in order to get the best performance possible from our DB2 applications

Five Bullet Points
Overview of V8 Features that SQL and Applications
Discussion of New SQL Functionality
Discussion of New Application Programming Features
Discussion of Why Its is Important to Use The New Features
Discussion of How to Plan and Best Implement New Features

Application and SQL
 Materialized Query Tables
 Coding Predicates for DPSIs
 Table Function Cardinality
 Multi-row FETCH and INSERT
 DDF Block Fetch
 Dynamic Scrollable Cursors
 Identity Column Enhancements
 Sequence Objects
 Indexable Unlike Types
 Increased of Number of Tables in a Statement
 Stored Procedures and WLM



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