Top 20 Performance Myths 2005

Tuesday, 28 June, 2005 - 14:15 - 15:45
Susan Lawson

DB2 appeared in 1983, and standards and guidelines were soon to follow. This led to a lot of rules and standards in the beginning, and some have become so ingrained that they became almost by-laws of systems development.  We need to take a hard look at these guidelines and how they may not apply in today’s high performance environments and may even be hurting performance.
We are going to look information passed on through the years and evaluate its applicability today. There are no two systems exactly the same where everything will be done exactly the same.  Sure, some myths may appear to be nice starting points and perhaps some of them are. The reason is because this particular method may have worked and produced adequate results in this particular environment, but surely is not appropriate for all environments and could even prove harmful. It all goes back to the saying “Don’t believe everything you hear (or read)’. Take all implementation and performance recommendations with an open, yet cautious mind, and then evaluate them against your environment. This presentation quick look at what we have seen as the top 20 performance myths and will include new material up to date with Version 8.

Bullet Points:
1.What are DB2 Performance Myths?
2.Where did they originate?
3.How do I identify if they are causing me problems?
4.How do I fix the problems?
5.How do I avoid falling victim to future performance problems?.



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