DB2 10 Performance Experiences Part 1: System considerations

Monday, 11 junij, 2012 - 11:15 - 12:15
Common Track
Cristian Molaro

This session will discuss and explain the DB2 10 for z/OS subsystem changes that improve performance. We will talk about the changes that could hurt your system as well.
The focus will be on these topics that are of the most interest froma practical point of view in today’s context.
For instance, the DB2 10 storage relief could help to dramatically improve the DB2 for z/OS scalability and help to consolidate DB2 subsystems; but what it really means in practical terms? We will address this and other subjects from a pragmatic point of view.
This presentation recollects the results of co-authoring the redbook“DB2 10 Performance Topics” and the experiences of users of DB2 10 for z/OS.



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