State of Mainframe Database Management - Zeljen Stanic |
CA Technologies Mainframe Solutions - Rob Cahill |
Trends and Directions in Database Technology - Namik Hrle |
DB2 10 Performance Experiences Part 1: System considerations - Cristian Molaro |
DB2 10 Performance Experiences Part 2: Application enablement - Cristian Molaro |
The Online Schema Revolution - Steve Thomas |
Let’s Make IT(DB2) Better ! - Zeljen Stanic |
IDAA – News from the Development - Namik Hrle |
Introduction to IBM DB2 10 LUW- NEW FEATURES, NEW POSSIBILITIES - Marcin Marczewski |
Monitoring and troubleshooting distributed access to DB2 for z/OS - Cristian Molaro |
Storage optimization - Marcin Marczewski |
DB2 and XML - Kurt Struyf |
PureScale – Part 1 - Marcin Marczewski |
DB2 LUW security and audit - Klaas Brant |
Application/SQL Design for Performance - Susan Lawson |
PureScale – Part 2 - Marcin Marczewski |
INLINE LOBS – Dare We Go There? - Steve Thomas |
Workload management - Marcin Marczewski |
Buffer Pools Through the Ages - Andy Ward |
Bye Bye Control Center – Data Studio is here! - Marcin Marczewski |
Practical guide for DB2 snapshots using SQL - Klaas Brant |
DB2 Oracle compatibility - Marcin Marczewski |
Temporal Data: How, When and Why - Susan Lawson |
Time travelling with DB2 10 LUW – new in DB2 10 - Marcin Marczewski |
DB2 for Z/os, for LUW DBAs - Kurt Struyf |
SQL Adria is the independent, non-profit organization that gathers relational database users for Croatia and Slovenia. It was founded 1994. and in the same year it has become the regional user group.
VODICE - 2nd - 5th June 2025