Emil Kotrč

Speaker Details

Emil is a software architect at Broadcom Mainframe Software, member of the IDUG Content Committee, and IBM Champion since 2015.
Past presentation

13 junij 2024
09:00 - 16:00
European SQLAdria Seminar – Vodice 2024 Automate Db2 Schema Deployment using Ansible Playbooks
'Are you exploring how to exploit Ansible on your DevOps journey? Or, you may be well on your way towards standardizing on Ansible.  Either way, our workshop will introduce you to a Broadcom developed Ansible collection that will empower you to automate your Db2 for z/OS Schema Management the Ansible way.
This Ansible collection will be a powerful tool to enable a developer to provision the Db2 environment needed to test an application. It also has the necessary capabilities to automate deployment of any schema changes. In this workshop you will have the opportunity for an instructor-led hands on experience with the Broadcom DBM-Db2 Ansible collection. You will learn ways to use the collection in ad hoc mode as well as understand how to develop Ansible playbooks to achieve your goal.
The objectives of the workshop are:
- Understand how Db2 Schema and data provisioning can be modernized and how it support DevOps
- Get familiar with Ansible ad hoc commands
- Understand Ansible playbooks and the environment in which they execute
- Develop a simple playbook to deploy a Db2 for z/OS Schema change
As this is a hands-on workshop, please bring your laptops with you.

12 junij 2024
10:00 - 11:00
European SQLAdria Seminar – Vodice 2024 Scared of Conversion to Universal Tablespaces? Learn from Success Stories!

Are you still planning the migration to Universal tablespaces (UTS)? Are you scared of what can go wrong? Do you want to learn more from other users' experience? Then make sure to attend this session where we will go through several successful real life scenarios in detail. The main focus will be on single table and multi table segmented tablespaces conversions to Partition by Growth tablespaces (PBGs).

10 junij 2024
15:30 - 16:30
European SQLAdria Seminar – Vodice 2024 Multi-row Operations in a Nutshell
A typical Relational Database Management System like Db2 works with a set of rows. Yet, applications often work with one row at the time even in scenarios where a multi-row operation could improve the performance significantly.
This presentation will show how multi-row operations in Db2 for z/OS, such as multi-row inserts and multi-row fetches, can help you to improve your application that is processing a large number of rows.

10 junij 2024
14:30 - 15:30
European SQLAdria Seminar – Vodice 2024 Unsung Heroes of the Db2 for z/OS Application Development (Db2 13 Edition)

Db2 is constantly evolving over the years, bringing new features with every new release and function level. It is hard to catch up with all the new useful possibilities introduced over years. Many of the features that are not brand still have the potential to help reduce the costs by improving the performance or making the application simpler. And yet they are not yet fully exploited.

15 junij 2023
09:00 - 16:00
European SQLAdria Seminar – Vodice 2023 DevOps meets Db2 for z/OS application, the bigger picture….

DevOps is a topic that can touches many different areas of the IT processes related to development, implementation and management of applications. The benefits of applying established DevOps techniques are well known by now. Yet, implementing them can be overwhelming. Where to start? What to do next? What will give me "the biggest bang for my kuna Euro…". In this seminar we will discuss several different areas of the lifecycle of  Db2 for z/OS application. We will have focus on Schema and Application build, various types of testing and deployment.

14 junij 2023
09:00 - 10:00
European SQLAdria Seminar – Vodice 2023 Db2 13 Application Development Topics
What is new in Db2 13 for application developers? Let's explore these topics in this session. We will cover SQL related enhancements (more granular concurrency control, SQL DI, …) as well as performance improvements (FTB enhancements, sort enhancements, …) that application developers can benefit from. Objectives:
1. Db2 13 in a nutshell
2. Application developer enhancements - concurrency control, SQL DI, other SQL related enhancements, …
3. Performance enhancements from the application developer perspective - FTB enhancements, sort enhancements, …

13 junij 2023
09:00 - 10:00
European SQLAdria Seminar – Vodice 2023 How to Hack Db2 for z/OS - Lessons Learned from Mainframe Hackers
Mainframe is often perceived as the most secure platform in the world. However, the reality is, that it is as secure as you make it. A group of well known mainframe hackers shared their experience and lessons learned from the field. In particular, they publicly showed the most common attack vectors for the mainframe. In this presentation we will review their findings and see how these techniques could apply to Db2 for z/OS.
9.1.1 Objectives
• A brief overview of z/OS security
• A brief overview of Db2 for z/OS security
• Common mainframe hacking techniques and how they apply to Db2

15 junij 2022
11:30 - 12:30
European SQLAdria Seminar – Vodice 2022 Db2 12 Function Levels 501-510 - What You Need to Know

An access path selected by Db2 drastically affects how well or how badly your SQL statement and overall application perform. Developers should be familiar with what the access path is and how to read it, while database administrators need to be able to maintain workload stability avoiding performance degradations and resource consumption spikes. This session will talk about how to interpret an access path with EXPLAINs, discuss how to influence the optimizer, and cover the ways to maintain and manage access paths for both static and dynamic SQL statements

14 junij 2022
15:00 - 16:00
European SQLAdria Seminar – Vodice 2022 A Handful of Application Development Goodies in Db2 12
In this presentation we will focus on the main benefits of Db2 12 from the application developer perspective. In the first part, we will review some of the new SQL features in Db2 12 and we will also discuss their main advantages and possible use cases. The second part of the presentation will be dedicated to other topics related to the application development, especially the continuous delivery model and the performance improvements. We will also show recent application development enhancements delivered in Db2 12 function levels.
1. A brief overview of Db2 12, introduction of continuous delivery from the application developer perspective.
2. Overview of new features related to application development - enhanced MERGE, enhanced Triggers, SQL pagination, improvements in the Temporal tables support, …
3. Recent enhancements in Db2 12 function levels
4. Discussion of other features beneficial for the application development - dynamic plan stability, performance improvements, continuous delivery, …

13 junij 2022
12:15 - 13:00
European SQLAdria Seminar – Vodice 2022 The Joy of Joins
Most of the application developers are used to use joins - cross joins, inner and outer joins. All resonate well. However, what if we start speaking about lateral join, anti join, self join, does it still look familiar to you? What if we take a look at the predicate evaluation phases in relation to joins - before, during, and after; especially in case of multi-table joins. Did you know, that you can even use joins to unmask the masked data? Do you understand the difference between the join types available in Db2? These are some of the questions we will be addressing.
In this presentation we will go through the basics to more advanced topics on joins. We will also show some useful tricks with joins.
1. Objectives
1. A brief introduction to joins - inner vs outer
2. More advanced join techniques - anti join, self join, lateral join
3. Join methods - nested loop join, merge scan, hash join, hybrid join
4. Predicate evaluation phases - before, during, after join

27 maj 2021
10:30 - 11:30
European SQLAdria Seminar – Virtual Event 2021 Experiences with Db2 12 Continuous Delivery - an Update
Db2 12 introduced the mechanism of continuous delivery. In this presentation we will explain the concepts of continuous delivery and will show what does it bring to the application developers and database administrators. We will also discuss experience with the continuous delivery model, point out a few items that need extra attention, and will show what is included in the existing function levels.
This updated presentations will show what is new in this area and will briefly speak about the challenges for a typical vendor.
1. Principles of continuous delivery
2. Explanation of code, catalog, and function levels
3. Benefits of continuous delivery for application developers and database administrators
4. Experience with continuous delivery

28 maj 2019
15:30 - 16:15
European SQLAdria Seminar – Šibenik 2019 Machine Learning in Examples
Machine Learning (ML) is a rapidly growing field of the computer science that has far reaching applications even outside the academics and specialized industries. Thanks to the Big Data (r)evolution, Machine Learning is becoming popular even in smaller businesses. Moreover, there are many tools and projects that allow running ML algorithms even by enthusiasts without a mathematical or statistical background.
In this presentation we will show some of the most common ML algorithms together with their prevalent use cases and we will demonstrate them on very simple examples. We will also discuss a possible integration with DB2.
1. A very brief introduction into ML and basic ideas.
2. A very brief introduction into the available machine learning tools.
3. Discuss the typical use cases on simple examples.

27 maj 2019
16:00 - 17:00
European SQLAdria Seminar – Šibenik 2019 Unsung Heroes of the Db2 for z/OS Application Development, Db2 12 Edition
Db2 is constantly evolving over the years, bringing new features with every new release. It might be hard for the developers and administrators to catch up with all the new useful technologies and possibilities. Often, even the features that are not brand new and that have the potential to help reducing the costs by improving the performance or making the application simpler, are not yet fully exploited.
This presentation will list and remind some features that might help application developers to use more power of the Db2 engine. The discussed topics will cover advanced SQL like the MERGE statement, SELECT from data change references, multi-row operations, lock avoidance techniques, built-in functions like GENERATEUNIQUE(), timestamp functions, and some other small tips. We will also cover highlighted features of Db2 12.
1. Review some of the new features brought through the Db2 releases.
2. Advanced SQL statements like MERGE, SELECT FROM table change reference.
3. Multi-row operations, cursors.
4. Lock avoidance techniques.
5. Several smaller tips using built in functions.

26 maj 2019
18:00 - 18:30
European SQLAdria Seminar – Šibenik 2019 Continuous Delivery

12 junij 2018
15:45 - 16:30
European SQLAdria Seminar – Šibenik 2018 DSNUTILU for fun and profit
Db2 for z/OS comes with a set of Stored Procedures that can help application developers to perform various administrative tasks. The main benefits of these procedures are their ease of use via the SQL CALL statement and the simplification of processes. One example of the supplied stored procedures is DSNUTILU, which allows Db2 utility operations from the application programs.
In this presentation we will show how to use DSNUTILU, we will discuss possible real life scenarios, and the benefits and drawbacks of its usage in local and remote application programs.
1. An overview of Db2 supplied stored procedures.
2. Description of DSNUTILU and examples of possible use cases.
3. Discussion of DSNUTILU benefits and drawbacks.

11 junij 2018
15:00 - 16:00
European SQLAdria Seminar – Šibenik 2018 A Handful of Application Development Goodies in Db2 12
Db2 12 for z/OS is a version that both, application developers and database administrators, will love. It does not only come with a set of useful new features, but it also brings a new continuous delivery model, which will be beneficial for both - developers will enjoy new features delivered faster and administrators will like the proven stability.
In this presentation we will focus on the main benefits of Db2 12 from the application developer perspective. In the first part, we will review some of the new SQL features in Db2 12 and we will also discuss their main advantages and possible use cases. The second part of the presentation will be dedicated to other topics related to the application development, especially the continuous delivery model and the performance improvements.
1. A brief overview of Db2 12, introduction of continuous delivery from the application developer perspective.
2. Overview of new features related to application development - enhanced MERGE, enhanced Triggers, SQL pagination, improvements in the Temporal tables support, …
3. Discussion of other features beneficial for the application development - dynamic plan stability, performance improvements, continuous delivery, …

13 junij 2016
16:30 - 17:15
European SQLAdria Seminar – Šibenik 2016 Unsung Heroes of the DB2 for z/OS Application Development
DB2 is constantly evolving over the years, bringing new features with every new release. It might be hard for the developers and administrators to catch up with all the new useful technologies and possibilities. Often, even the features that are not brand new are not yet fully exploited despite they have a potential to help reducing the costs by improving the performance or making the application simpler. 
This presentation will list and remind some features that might help application developers to use more power of the DB2 engine. The discussed topics will cover advanced SQL like the MERGE statement, SELECT from data change references, multi-row operations, lock avoidance techniques, built-in functions like GENERATE_UNIQUE(), timestamp functions, DB2 supplied stored procedures, and some other smaller tips. 
1. Review some of the new features brought through the DB2 releases. 
2. Advanced SQL statements like MERGE, SELECT FROM table change reference. 
3. Multi-row operations, cursors. 
4. Lock avoidance techniques. 
5. Built-in functions and supplied Stored procedures. 
6. Several smaller tips. 



SQL Adria is the independent, non-profit organization that gathers relational database users for Croatia and Slovenia. It was founded 1994. and in the same year it has become the regional user group.

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