Goran Marković

Speaker Details

Poslovna inteligencija

Goran Marković radi kao Sales Consultant u Customer Success odjelu Poslovne inteligencije od 2017. godine. Diplomirao je na Fakultetu elektrotehnike i računarstva Sveučilišta u Zagrebu te se dodatno školovao na Executive MBA programu Cotrugli Business School. Više godina radio je u telekomunikacijama u području aftersalesa gdje je stekao veliko iskustvo u B2B poslovanju i odnosima s ključnim korisnicima. Značajne rezultate postigao je korištenjem i implementacijom analitičkih rješenja u svrhu poboljšanja poslovnih procesa i rasta prihoda. Danas pomaže klijentima upotrijebiti moć podataka i dodatno razviti povjerenje između kompanija i krajnjih korisnika. U zadnjih nekoliko godina specijalizirao se u području zaštite osobnih podataka i usklađivanja s GDPR uredbom.

Past presentation
30 studeni 2018
12:30 - 13:30
SQLAdria Seminar – Opatija 2018 Data Privacy and its relation to BI, what can we learn from data?

Digital transformation is the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business, fundamentally changing how companies operate and deliver value to customers. It is the process of creating new digital business processes and business models where data is being used as the fuel to give an organization a competitive advantage, allowing them to make better decisions and deliver a higher level of service to customers. Artificial intelligence is already a key driver of digital transformation across a wide range of sectors and with more data at our disposal than we have ever known, and more effective technologies allowing us to make sense of it all, we can start to deliver better experiences for the modern consumer’s needs. In order for these to evolve, new structures and technologies are needed. Overall a new approach is what is more important, by having customer´s needs as priority.



SQL Adria is the independent, non-profit organization that gathers relational database users for Croatia and Slovenia. It was founded 1994. and in the same year it has become the regional user group.

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VODICE -  10th - 13th June 2024