Short Abstract:
Classic db2 client catalogs enable application to database connection, but in multiple hadr server configurations, they may fail to provide fast reconnect to moving primary role. Using newer db2dsdriver.cfg it is easier to reach the goal.
Nowadays everybody requires fast, in the matter of seconds response from any IT service. To achieve HA, redundant networks, servers and databases instances exists, but role transfer at every level must be fast. Providing fast response was a challenge with classic catalogs. Beside hardware errors that requires automatic role change, applications, databases and OS-es must be maintained, reconfigured, patched and upgraded.
When using classic db2 client catalogs towards database servers in hadr/ha setup, there are occasions when connect and/or reconnect is not fast enough, thus applications do not provide service all the time.
Using db2dsdriver catalog configurations, we were able to provide better service.