Andrej Furlanič

Speaker Details

Interes d.o.o.
I graduated in computer science at University of Ljubljana, Slovenija, back in 1995. I started my professional life programming data transfers between MVS and OS/2 operating systems. After that I studied Db2 2.1 for OS/2 and soon after Db2 Version 5 UDB on Windows NT. Later I focused on Db2 administration. Our IT firm “Interes” expanded, started supporting IT departments in financial institutions in our local area. I gradually did more and more new installations and upgrades to versions 6-9 , porting to 64 versions on Linux and consulting in application re-engineering. I worked on database design, schema evolution, performance requirements, availability, test environment procurement, data masking, high availability automating, regulation enforcements and patching afteral. Now I lead a group of DBAs, but operational work is still a daily job. I attended several Idug technical conferences, and I used new knowledge to implement great technologies, from replication, mqt, hadr, to partitioning and compression. With this knowledge, I lectured on 2014 EMEA Conference a presentation called “ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE(): Why would a DBA move a table? (Waiter As A Second Job?)”
Being on tech conferences, I took the occasion to apply to and pass several certification exams, currently I am “Certified Advanced Database Administrator – Db2 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows”.
Lately we implemented multiple HADR, RCAC and TSA/MP setups
Past presentation
09 April 2018
15:15 - 16:15
SQLAdria Seminar - Ljubljana 2018 Use Db2dsdriver.cfg and your apps and databases will be highly available
Short Abstract:
Classic db2 client catalogs enable application to database connection, but in multiple hadr server configurations, they may fail to provide fast reconnect to moving primary role. Using newer db2dsdriver.cfg it is easier to reach the goal.
Nowadays everybody requires fast, in the matter of seconds response from any IT service. To achieve HA, redundant networks, servers and databases instances exists, but role transfer at every level must be fast. Providing fast response was a challenge with classic catalogs. Beside hardware errors that requires automatic role change, applications, databases and OS-es must be maintained, reconfigured, patched and upgraded.
When using classic db2 client catalogs towards database servers in hadr/ha setup, there are occasions when connect and/or reconnect is not fast enough, thus applications do not provide service all the time. 
Using db2dsdriver catalog configurations, we were able to provide better service.

26 September 2014
13:45 - 14:45
SQLAdria Seminar – Zagreb 2014 ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE(): Why would a DBA move a table? (Waiter As A Second Job?)
Short Abstract:
This user session is all about experience with a great tool for the DBA, whose database must be online all the time. Using it, one can achieve database version's architecture limits relief or improve performance instead of using regular tools.
I heard about admin_move_table() procedure several years ago at an Idug presentation, announcing DB2 9.7 for LUW. I first seemed to me a sidekick of some enthusiast, working in an IBM lab afternoon after everybody else left. Some time later i understood clearly that I was wrong, it resolved to be a crucial tool that has helped me and my fellow DBAs to achieve a list of  goals, dealing with advances in physical data layout, performance and most of all, availability. It is a great tool that provides exceptional usability, it is a Swiss army knife for every LUW administrator.
In this session, i will explain my experience with the procedure, starting with the basics, then topics of use, strengths and shortcomings and some hints. I will provide my view on its evolution from user procedure to more and more system integrated tool.



SQL Adria is the independent, non-profit organization that gathers relational database users for Croatia and Slovenia. It was founded 1994. and in the same year it has become the regional user group.

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