Jane Man

Speaker Details


Jane Man is a Senior Software Engineer in DB2 for z/OS development. Jane has more than 15 years’ experience in developing high quality data/content-centric solutions for enterprise customers. Jane has authored many patents and whitepapers on current technology topics and is a regular speaker in global conferences. Jane is an IBM Certified System Administrator for WebSphere Application Server, IBM Certified Database Administrator for DB2 Universal Database for z/OS, Linux, UNIX and Windows, IBM Certified Solution Designer for DB2 Content Manager, IBM Certified Deployment Profession for Tivoli Storage Manager, and IBM Certified Application developer for DB2 Universal Database Family.

Past presentation
12 June 2018
14:00 - 15:00
European SQLAdria Seminar – Šibenik 2018 Db2 for z/OS XML, JSON, and Spatial use cases in web/mobile environment

Mobile/Web applications are becoming critical to enterprise success with requirement of managing data in database. Digital data that are location based can leverage DB2 spatial support. Mobile data that are transferred in 2 most commonly formats: JSON or XML, can use DB2 JSON and XML features. The coexistence of both relational data and flexible schema data in DB2 allow rapid delivery of applications while leverage existing DB2 qualities of services. 

11 June 2018
11:45 - 13:00
European SQLAdria Seminar – Šibenik 2018 Db2 for z/OS Modern application: Watson, ML, REST, Spark and more

This session focus on implementing modern applications around DB2 for z/OS using the latest technologies. We will discuss how to build a cognitive DB2 solution using Watson, how to do Machine Learning on DB2 data without a GUI, how to do Spark analytics, how to use DB2 as REST provider using DB2 native REST service, and how to use DB2 as REST consumer using JSON and XML feature in DB2. Working examples, hints, and tips will be given that you can try out right away!! 

13 June 2017
10:15 - 11:30
European SQLAdria Seminar – Šibenik 2017 Building a Mobile Application using DB2 native REST services

Mobile is having a profound effect on core systems. This session looks at new technology being offered as part of DB2 for z/OS, which allows mobile applications to seamlessly access and integrate into your existing IBM DB2 z/OS servers. It positions existing z technologies and introduces a new RESTful interface created especially for mobile access leveraging the existing DB2 distributed data facility (DDF) capability, which includes thread pooling, and enclave classification.

12 June 2017
11:45 - 13:00
European SQLAdria Seminar – Šibenik 2017 JSON enhancements and use cases (including Watson) in DB2 for z/OS

Applications around Mobile devices are becoming increasingly important in large enterprises with requirement of storing JSON in database. This presentation will illustrate the JSON storage model and SQL APIs to manipulate JSON data. We will also present the JSON enhancements we delivered in the services stream. With rapid adoption of JSON, we will share how customers use JSON in a real world scenario. Tips and pitfalls will be given to ensure a successful JSON solution in an agile application development model.

12 April 2016
15:15 - 16:00
SQLAdria Seminar – Ljubljana 2016 Demo on DB2 Adapter for z/OS Connect

12 April 2016
13:30 - 15:00
SQLAdria Seminar – Ljubljana 2016 Build a DB2 for z/OS Mobile Application using DB2 Adapter for z/OS

A new era of applications focused around mobile devices using REST APIs is becoming increasingly important in large enterprises. Learn how you can build a DB2 for z/OS mobile application using DB2 Adapter for z/OS Connect and IBM MobileFirst. Using an easy to adapt example, we show what needs to be done from front end to the back end database server to make this happen. This session will also cover the details of newly available DB2 adapter for z/OS Connect and how customers are leveraging these capabilities to enable flexible, agile application development models while maintaining critical enterprise data management requirements.

12 April 2016
12:00 - 12:30
SQLAdria Seminar – Ljubljana 2016 Demo on Learning JSON SQL APIs Using DB2 CLP

12 April 2016
11:30 - 12:00
SQLAdria Seminar – Ljubljana 2016 Demo on Learning JSON JAVA APIs Using noSQL CLP

12 April 2016
10:15 - 11:15
SQLAdria Seminar – Ljubljana 2016 Learning exciting JSON features in DB2 for z/OS Presentation

Applications around Mobile devices are becoming increasingly important in large enterprises with requirement of storing JSON in database and rapid application deployment. This presentation will illustrate the JSON storage model and SQL APIs to manipulate JSON data. Tips and pitfalls will be shared to ensure a successful JSON solution in an agile application development model.

19 September 2014
15:00 - 15:45
SQLAdria Seminar – Belgrade 2014 XML Update for DB2 11 for z/OS

Hints and tips for Application developer when working with XML data in DB2 for z/OS

19 September 2014
13:15 - 14:00
SQLAdria Seminar – Belgrade 2014 XML Best Practices for Application Developers

Hints and tips for Application developer when working with XML data in DB2 for z/OS.

19 September 2014
12:30 - 13:15
SQLAdria Seminar – Belgrade 2014 Demo using XML in DB2 for z/OS

Live demo using XMLQuery, XMLExists, XMLTable, XMLModify, XQuery, XML Publishing functions, and implicit schema validation.

19 September 2014
11:30 - 12:15
SQLAdria Seminar – Belgrade 2014 XML parsing, publishing and XML schema validation

Overview on XML publishing functions,  focusing on options for XML parsing and schema validation. We also describe what need to be done for schema validation.

19 September 2014
10:30 - 11:30
SQLAdria Seminar – Belgrade 2014 Overview about XMLQuery, XMLExists, XMLCast , XQuery, XMLTABLE, XMLModify

Overview on SQL/XML functions, focusing on XQuery, XMLTable, and XMLModify. We will also go through some mistakes in using these functions.

01 April 2014
14:45 - 15:30
SQLAdria Seminar – Ljubljana 2014 XML Update for DB2 11 for z/OS

Hints and tips for Application developer when working with XML data in DB2 for z/OS

01 April 2014
13:00 - 13:45
SQLAdria Seminar – Ljubljana 2014 XML Best Practices for Application Developers

Hints and tips for Application developer when working with XML data in DB2 for z/OS.

01 April 2014
12:15 - 13:00
SQLAdria Seminar – Ljubljana 2014 Demo using XML in DB2 for z/OS

Live demo using XMLQuery, XMLExists, XMLTable, XMLModify, XQuery, XML Publishing functions, and implicit schema validation.

01 April 2014
11:15 - 12:00
SQLAdria Seminar – Ljubljana 2014 XML parsing, publishing and XML schema validation

Overview on XML publishing functions,  focusing on options for XML parsing and schema validation. We also describe what need to be done for schema validation.

01 April 2014
10:15 - 11:15
SQLAdria Seminar – Ljubljana 2014 Overview about XMLQuery, XMLExists, XMLCast , XQuery, XMLTABLE, XMLModify

Overview on SQL/XML functions, focusing on XQuery, XMLTable, and XMLModify. We will also go through some mistakes in using these functions.



SQL Adria is the independent, non-profit organization that gathers relational database users for Croatia and Slovenia. It was founded 1994. and in the same year it has become the regional user group.

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