Matthias Nicola

Speaker Details


Matthias Nicola is the technical sales leader for Db2 and Hybrid Data Management in Europe. Previously he worked in the Db2 development team as a Senior Technical Staff Member at IBM's Silicon Valley Lab, USA. His expertise includes Db2 BLU, Db2 on Cloud, Temporal Data Management, pureXML, performance, and emerging technologies in Db2. Matthias works with customers and business partners to help them design, implement, and optimize Db2 and Data Science solutions.

Past presentation
27 November 2020
10:30 - 11:30
European SQLAdria Seminar – Virtual Event Steroids for the Optimizer – An Introduction to (Advanced) Statistics

Db2 uses a cost-based query optimizer that is vitally dependent on appropriate statistics to generate efficient execution plans. However, it is often not obvious when to use which of the many options for the RUNSTATS command to collect the "right" kind of statistics. This session presents a set of practical examples to explain how different types of statistics affect query optimization. We also discuss RUNSTATS measurements to illustrate the overhead of collecting more advanced statistics. As a result you will be able to determine when it is worthwhile to use more advanced concepts such as distribution statistics, column group statistics, or statistical views. Provide the right steroids to the optimizer to boost performance!

07 October 2020
10:00 - 11:00
Managing multiple tenants under one roof

Providing database capabilities for multiple applications or multiple different groups of users always raises the question of the "right" level of isolation. Separate Db2 databases or instances provide maximum isolation but incur additional resource consumption and administration overhead. Using separate schemas in a single database allows for consolidation but might not provide sufficient isolation. This session describes new capabilities in Db2 for managing multiple tenants in a single database. 

Db2 uses a cost-based query optimizer that is vitally dependent on appropriate statistics to generate efficient execution plans. However, it is often not obvious when to use which of the many options for the RUNSTATS command to collect the "right" kind of statistics. This session presents a set of practical examples to explain how different types of statistics affect query optimization. We also discuss RUNSTATS measurements to illustrate the overhead of collecting more advanced statistics. As a result you will be able to determine when it is worthwhile to use more advanced concepts such as distribution statistics, column group statistics, or statistical views. Provide the right steroids to the optimizer to boost performance!

15 June 2016
11:30 - 12:30
European SQLAdria Seminar – Šibenik 2016 DB2 Offerings in the Cloud

This presentation provides an overview of the DB2-based cloud services: dashDB, DB2 on Cloud, and SQLDB. We'll discuss the differences between hosted and managed services and explain the different capabilities, configurations, and features of the three DB2 services. 

14 June 2016
16:00 - 17:00
European SQLAdria Seminar – Šibenik 2016 Performance Tuning and Capacity Planning for DB2 BLU

This sessions provides recommendations for sizing hardware configurations for DB2 BLU and discusses how to tune BLU for best performance. These guidelines are based on experiences with DB2 BLU production deployments and extensive testing at the IBM labs. The presentation also includes detailed instructions for tuning and monitoring sort memory consumption, a particularly critical area for BLU performance

14 June 2016
10:15 - 11:30
European SQLAdria Seminar – Šibenik 2016 Hidden Gems-The Top 10 Most Under-utilized Functions in DB2 LUW

The DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows releases in recent years have provided a rich set of functional improvements. In addition to the major flagship features, numerous small enhancements have found their way into the product as well. Among those are many hidden gems that are largely unknown and underutilized. This session presents 10 highly useful features and functions that are often overlooked and deserve more attention. Examples include the LISTAGG function, multiple-event triggers, usage lists, new options for db2look, and others. Attend this session to see how these gems can be valuable for you! 

19 November 2004
10:15 - 11:15
SQLAdria Seminar – Opatija 2004 Preview of new XML features in DB2 V9

19 November 2004
09:00 - 10:00
SQLAdria Seminar – Opatija 2004 Summary of XML Extender & SQL/XML, More Examples, Q&A

18 November 2004
15:45 - 17:15
SQLAdria Seminar – Opatija 2004 SQL/XML Publishing (V8)

18 November 2004
13:30 - 15:30
SQLAdria Seminar – Opatija 2004 DB2 XML Extender (V7, V8)

18 November 2004
11:30 - 12:30
SQLAdria Seminar – Opatija 2004 XML Fundamentals

18 November 2004
10:30 - 11:15
SQLAdria Seminar – Opatija 2004 XML and Databases



SQL Adria is the independent, non-profit organization that gathers relational database users for Croatia and Slovenia. It was founded 1994. and in the same year it has become the regional user group.

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