We will start with a reference to part 1. We will then continue with a description of the messages and trace records that DB2 can provide for deadlocks, timeouts, and long running transactions respectively. We look at related system parameters that control the locking conflict resolution behaviour as well as the way DB2 produces messages and trace records. The presentation will hilite any differences between DB2 V8 and DB2 9. Finally there will be a discussion on how to implement “safe locking” in application programming.
Understanding the type of information DB2 can provide in locking conflict situations
Understanding how to control DB2s behaviour in locking conflicts
Understanding how to get informed of potential locking problems generated by applications that doesn't behave as good DB2 citizens
Discussion on what tooling can be of help to automate the process of informing DBAs about locking conflicts
Best practices for application programs
Full Abstract:
In this second part of a two-part presentation we will dive into the information that DB2 for z/OS can provide you with in order to get hold of locking conflicts. Various system parameters controlling the behaviour of DB2 with regard to locking are described. Messages and trace records showing deadlocks, timeouts, and long running transactions will be looked at in detail. Finally there will be a discussion of best practices for handling locking in application programs.