Maryela Weihrauch

Speaker Details

IBM Distinguished Engineer

Maryela Weihrauch is an IBM Distinguish Engineer and z Systems Analytics world-wide technical sales and client champion. She has extensive experience with DB2 regarding systems, application, and database design. Maryela is very engaged in enterprises world-wide, driving the adoption of new analytical technologies. Her most recent role in DB2 for z/OS Development has involved determining DB2 z/OS strategy for HTAP (Hybrid Transaction and Analytics Processing). This includes IDAA strategy and implementation, as well as DB2's application enablement strategy. Maryela is a member of the IBM Academy of Technology and frequently shares her experience at conferences.

Past presentation
14 June 2023
10:00 - 11:00
European SQLAdria Seminar – Vodice 2023 Integrating Db2 for z/OS Database Changes Into a CI/CD Pipeline
Typically, the first focus for a Development team is implementing a CI/CD pipeline for application changes, whereas, in practice, many application changes also require Db2 z/OS database changes.
Maryela will show how to provide application developers self-service capabilities for database schema changes through integration into the CI/CD pipeline while DBAs still can safeguard the integrity of their organization’s data .

12 June 2023
12:15 - 13:00
European SQLAdria Seminar – Vodice 2023 Does inactive data in your tables impact performance and scalability of your Db2 for z/OS apps
Company struggle with optimizing application for performance, scalability and availability that use very large tables. Part of the problem is that table size is inflated by inactive data.
Maryela shares a solution proposal using Db2 for z/OS archive table capabilities where inactive data can be separated but stays available to the applications that need access to that old data.
She will also share design considerations and hints and tips for implementing such a solution.

12 June 2023
11:00 - 12:00
European SQLAdria Seminar – Vodice 2023 Data Mesh Approaches with AI

This presentation describes novel approaches to successfully deploy Data Mesh solutions with a focus on IBM zSystems, specifically Db2 for z/OS and other zSystems data. A Data Mesh – underpinned with a Data Fabric architecture – views data primarily as organized around domain owners who create business-focused data products, which can be aggregated and consumed across distributed consumers, organizations, and LoBs in a self-service and shopping-for-data fashion. Focusing on intelligent cataloguing with IBM Watson Knowledge Catalog and its new integration with Db2 Data Gate, we describe key AI-based Data Mesh concepts, such as automated metadata enrichment, data quality assessments, establishing a data marketplace, intelligent information integration, active metadata exploitation, and leveraging the digital exhaust.   

26 September 2019
14:00 - 15:00
SQLAdria Seminar – Zagreb 2019 Db2 RESTful Service Support and z/OS Connect

26 September 2019
11:50 - 13:00
SQLAdria Seminar – Zagreb 2019 Best Practice for Developing High-Performing Java Applications for Db2

26 September 2019
10:30 - 11:30
SQLAdria Seminar – Zagreb 2019 Microservices Application and Data Architecture Overview

30 November 2018
09:00 - 10:00
SQLAdria Seminar – Opatija 2018 DB2 for z/OS is Serious about Analytics: Leveraging SQL to Analyze Your Data Where it Resides

DB2 for z/OS continues to deliver SQL enhancements that allow you to perform analytics against your mission-critical data. Did you know that DB2 supports various analytics like RANK, CUBE, ROLLUP, moving averages and moving sums? What if DB2 could perform MEDIAN, PERCENTILE, and LISTAGG? This session will focus on SQL specifically enhanced for performing analytics. Who knows, maybe you can simplify your applications by letting DB2 do the work for you.

29 November 2018
14:15 - 15:15
SQLAdria Seminar – Opatija 2018 Technical Update on Db2 Analytics Accelerator

Maryela describes the newest capabilities of the Db2 Analytics Accelerator V5.1 as delivered with PTF 5 and PTF 6, especially AOT enhancements, federation support, incremental update enhancements, support for schema changes, and 'true’ HTAP function. 

29 November 2018
12:15 - 13:30
SQLAdria Seminar – Opatija 2018 Optimizing Data Transformation with Db2 for z/OS and Db2 Analytics Accelerator

The companies that derive more information from the available data will be ahead of their competitors. The Extract-Transform-Load ETL process is executed to make that data consumable for analytical processing.
Maryela discusses the challenges of typical ETL processing today and walks through Db2 and IDAA functionality to optimize data transformation and introduces the concept of real-time data transformation. 

29 November 2018
10:30 - 12:00
SQLAdria Seminar – Opatija 2018 Leveraging IBM Z data in place in support of your data lake strategy

Data lakes are the modern approach to enterprise reporting enabling organizations to derive insight from both transaction and non-transactional data. A best practices approach would access transactional data where it originates without having to move sensitive data to an alternate platform. In this session,Maryela will provide an overview of data lake concepts and the IBM Z technology that enable you to incorporate sensitive data without having to move it off platform.

12 November 2015
14:15 - 15:45
SQLAdria Seminar – Belgrade 2015 DB2 11 SQL Enhancements and Transparent Archiving

12 November 2015
12:45 - 14:00
SQLAdria Seminar – Belgrade 2015 Stored Procedures Consideration and Performance Analysis

12 November 2015
10:00 - 12:00
SQLAdria Seminar – Belgrade 2015 Latest Application Development Trends on IBM DB2

Ever new application development paradigm become popular. Maryela will provide an overview of  application development trends with access to DB2.

10 November 2015
11:30 - 13:00
SQLAdria Seminar – Opatija 2015 DB2 11 SQL Enhancements

10 November 2015
09:00 - 11:00
SQLAdria Seminar – Opatija 2015 Archiving with DB2 and Optim DB2 11 Transparent Archiving, HPSS for DB2 Analytics Accelerator

09 November 2015
16:45 - 18:00
SQLAdria Seminar – Opatija 2015 SQL Stored Procedure

09 November 2015
15:00 - 16:30
SQLAdria Seminar – Opatija 2015 Stored Procedures Consideration and Performance Analysis

09 November 2015
12:30 - 14:00
SQLAdria Seminar – Opatija 2015 Java/DB2 - Update

Working with many companies world-wide, Maryela shares lessons learned for successfully running Java application with DB2 for z/OS as enterprise database server. The presentation shares lessons learned to achieve high performance, availability and scalability. Maryela also shares an approach for performance analysis and hints and tips.

09 November 2015
10:00 - 12:00
SQLAdria Seminar – Opatija 2015 Latest Application Development Trends on IBM DB2

Ever new application development paradigm become popular. Maryela will provide an overview of  application development trends with access to DB2.



SQL Adria is the independent, non-profit organization that gathers relational database users for Croatia and Slovenia. It was founded 1994. and in the same year it has become the regional user group.

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Events in 2024

VODICE -  10th - 13th June 2024